June 4, 1999

I am less than a man. Ignore my conquests, because when the Excel spreadsheet of life gets ordered by machismo, I'll be at the bottom.

Not only did I condone, I encouraged Amanda to buy a Tae Bo video. Two, in fact.

Then, I did both workouts. Back to back. Amanda did only the first, preferring to sit out and cast aspersions at me as I punched, kneed and kicked my way through the second tape.

Billy Blanks, Tae Bo MasterAs if doing double duty on the tapes would somehow lessen this offense to the Odin, the manliest god of all. (Ravens, returns from the dead, head Norse god? Name one god that's more manly.)

My only redemption stems from the fact that I can honestly say the "Basic" workout, the second tape, didn't phase me. I didn't ever get tired or winded. And the only time I didn't complete an exercise was when I lost my balance doing some kicks.

The first tape is sickeningly easy. It's all instruction. There is no workout in the first tape (unless you're really out of shape). The second tape is much better, but not that hard if you're active.

But Billy Blanks' outfits! Oh, my. You may have seen some of them in his seemingly endless stream of infomercials.

The one in the second video is just... I don't know. Does this guy want to be a queen? It was a farmer-john electric-blue lycra suit with a plunging neck that basically showed off his entire chest. It managed only to cover up his nipples.

Dude! Just go without a shirt!

He looked like something out of a bad 1980s gay porno. Not that I'd know anything about that, mind you.


Thom and Amanda
We also got a scanner two days ago. An itty-bitty Canon. Amanda termed it "Faster than a speeding bullet, lighter than a soup can."

So I've been scanning all the fun pictures I can find. Which isn't many because they all appear to be in one of the three boxes we've yet to upack.

Sorry the file sizes are so big. I know how to make them smaller, but I figured quality counted with photos.

The one with Amanda on my back is from about 3-4 months into our relationship at a "Barn Dance." It's a spring sorority dance that they had, you guessed it, in a barn.

Thom and Oz
The other one is of me and the cat, Oz. I have some bad morning hair. But I was so thrilled with the picture because I didn't look really fat. I can't remember getting a picture back in the last four years in which I didn't look at it and say, "Fuck. When did I get so chubby?"

And the last one there is, going left to right, Amanda, me and Chelsea. Chels is stuck in Colorado and was Amanda's roommate in her sorority. I'd been in a funk for about 48 hours when they came over, dressed like that. They produced a 1970s outfit from Goodwill for me, and off we went. Somewhere with liquor if I remember.

Amanda, Thom and Chelsea
It broke the funk, and I knew I'd found someone special. Sadly, Chelsea graduated and I settled for Amanda.


Joking. Everyone calm down. I was making a funny.
